PH:07 560 66315 (7days)
Alcoholism, drug addictions, gambling
addiction, sex addiction and eating disorders are progressive and chronic
diseases that, if left untreated, will result in the premature death of someone
you love. Help is available. No one has to hit their absolute bottom before
accepting help…..Intervention works!
If someone you know is struggling with the
disease of addiction, it is time to take action.
Intervention is the best way to make help
available to those struggling with an addiction. 92% of those intervened on go
to treatment and have the opportunity to change their lives.
Is now the time?
If your current situation has you
concerned enough that you are exploring this option – it’s time. If you are
concerned about someone you love, nothing can be gained by waiting. Crisis
comes and crisis goes, but with the disease of addiction, we don’t get to
choose the consequences our loved ones will face the next time.
If now is not the time, ask yourself: How
much worse will it have to get before you are willing to act?
Will doing an intervention make matters
worse? NO. Doing nothing will make matters worse.
Intervention Suppositions
COACHING WITH SUBSTANCE Intervention Services argues that certain widely-held suppositions are no
longer true. We disagree
with the following longstanding assumptions:
1. You can't help an addicted individual
until they want help?
. Addicts don't know what is
happening inside of them—they are experiencing a loss of control.
. Addicts don't know why they act the way
they do, every part of the brain lobes is affected by alcohol, drugs or
other addictive behaviours.
. Addicts make excuses for what is
irrational and destructive behaviour, Denial
is strong. What will get them to want help?
2. An addict must hit bottom?
. Hitting bottom leaves them trying to
find help on their own.
. Addicts may never hit bottom or may
bounce around it with denial.
. The family will end up going along for
the ride, bouncing at the bottom too.
. Addicts don't have relationships...they
3. Addiction is a lack of willpower and a
character flaw?
4. Treatment only works if the addict wants it.
A 25 year study resulted in no
statistical difference between self-referred clients and clients that entered
treatment due to an intervention. It's not the willingness to go to treatment
that matters. It's the willingness and commitment to continue working toward a
healthy lifestyle when one leaves treatment that matters.
Interventions and the Holidays
Are you concerned about doing an
intervention so close to the holidays?
If you are, you're not alone. It’s not
uncommon for families to feel that they are somehow doing the wrong thing by
helping a family member during this season.
The fact is, the holidays can be very
stressful times for alcoholics, addicts and those struggling from other
addictions and compulsive behaviours. This stress often contributes to an
increased usage of drugs /addictive behaviours and the resulting consequences
of their behaviours.
There is a way you can help.
Having a loved one get into treatment and recovery during the holidays can be one of the greatest gifts they will ever receive. It
is also a chance for the entire family to get relief from the pain of knowing
your loved one is suffering from their addiction. As difficult as it might be
to have your family member in treatment during the holiday season, it is
equally comforting to know they are safe, and that this may be the last holiday
you'll spend away from each other.
What is an Intervention?
An intervention is a structured,
solution-focused process that consists of a group of close friends, family
members and others (co-workers, colleagues, spiritual advisors, etc.) who come
together in a caring and non-judgmental manner to present their observations
and concerns regarding an addict’s behavior.
A well-executed intervention is
professionally facilitated by our highly experienced coaches and aims to move the family or workplace system out
of crisis and assists in immediately addressing addiction through treatment.
To more fully understand how addiction
affects the system surrounding an addict, consider the mobile. Each component
of a mobile is related to and dependent upon the others for balance and
stability. The mobile functions correctly when you pull one component, and
every other element moves in response. The mobile ceases to function when force
is applied to one piece and no movement or change occurs.
When there is active addiction within a
family or workplace system, the people around the individual operate much like
a broken mobile. Energy is applied in an effort to change the one addicted
individual - surprisingly to no avail. However, when the combined pieces of the
mobile are set in motion, through the process of intervention, those
surrounding the addict or alcoholic can move from their established positions
and the stubborn piece will be forced to change his or her actions.
CWS model of intervention has two
stated goals:
1) To move the system surrounding the addicted
individual out of the chaos and crisis generated by addiction;
2) To make help available to the
individual. By focusing our attention on the system surrounding the individual,
and working with them to make changes in their response to addiction, we change
the system independent of his or her decision to accept help.
CWS responds quickly to calls for help.
Family and workplace crises are treated as emergencies because the emotional
pain and suffering of people close to the addicted individual can be extreme.
The faster an intervention program begins, the faster that system will
experience relief.
PHONE 07 560 66315 FOR IMMEDIATE HELP (7days)
We are Australia's leading award winning addiction treatment and rehab consultants for gambling, drugs, alcohol, sex, eating and internet addiction, along with eating behavioural disorders and co-dependency for Australasia and New Zealand.
Maria Pau is a 4x No. 1 best-selling author on the subjects of addiction and co-dependency and spiritual wellness. She is the Program Director of Coaching with Substance, the first of its kind in Australia as registered public benevolent institution, charity and not-for profit association that focuses on wellness using coaching principles of peak performance. We run a cutting edge holistic addiction treatment program and outpatient rehabilitation consultancy firm that ensures you are released from the shackles of addiction once and for all.
Primary care at CWS is personalised to treat each individual using programs that integrate mind, body and soul. CWS programs are enhanced by highly effective group coaching and therapeutic processes as well as individual coaching, spiritual insights, therapy and extensive aftercare assistance.
All clients are thoroughly assessed by a highly trained and experienced recovery coach, registered provisional psychologist, ordained Monk, mental health officer and certified naturopaths (including Ayurveda and Acupuncturist). Clients may also be referred for psychometric testing and assessment, if needed. International clients welcome.
We welcome enquiries from all English speaking people from Asia, Europe, Africa, India and South America.